

16th European Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty: Let’s tackle in-work poverty!  #2017PEP  

The 16th edition of the EU Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty will be on in-work poverty. We will tackle the fact that more and more jobs in Europe don’t pay for a living anymore. Over a hundred people experiencing poverty – both working and out of work – will be in Brussels from 9 till 10 November to exchange ideas together and with EU politicians and policy makers. Check out the this year’s meeting page on our blog to read more about the programme, preparation, speakers…!

The 15th European Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty

Hundreds of helicopters circling above the European Commission:

On the 16th of November, hundreds of helicopters circled above the European Commission, launched by people with direct experience of poverty, who participated in the 15th European Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty. The (paper) helicopters had messages written on them. The messages (helicopters) were handed over to Marianne Thyssen, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility.  A large choir sang the song Blowin’ in the Wind as the delegations delivered their messages.

This collective action closed the European Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty, organised by the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) with support from the European Commission, the Slovakian Presidency of the European Council and the EAPN Fund. A unique opportunity for people with direct experience of poverty from 29 different national delegations to address and exchange with EU decision-makers.

  15-16 November 2016 #2016PEP

Les Ateliers des Tanneurs, Rue des Tanneurs 58-62, 1000 Brussels


One of the challenges for the

European Pillar of Social Rights!


The European Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty

organized by the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) with the

support of the European Commission,

the Slovakian presidency of the Council of the European Union

and the EAPN Fund.


Read more about it here




EAPN Estonia organizes amazing Easter Party for 700 Families experiencing Poverty

EAPN Estonia Concert Hall

The Estonian section of the EAPN has organized a wonderful  Easter party on Sunday March 27 for about 700 families living in poverty in the country. The event was hosted in the Estonian Concert Hall and included a concert by the Tallinn University Symphony Orchestra, a free meal and a series of games and activities during which children were awarded chocolate eggs and other prizes.

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