
16th European Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty

Let’s tackle in-work poverty!  #2017PEP

The 16th edition of the EU Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty will be on in-work poverty. We will tackle the fact that more and more jobs in Europe don’t pay for a living anymore. Over a hundred people experiencing poverty – both working and out of work – will be in Brussels from 9 November to exchange ideas together and with EU politicians and policy makers.

The unique event will be an opportunity to hear from people experiencing poverty from all over Europe who have been preparing around this topic. We will gather in Brussels to exchange on:

  • direct experiences of the working poor and unemployed people in poverty;
  • changes to work in the last 10 years;
  • how work changes are affecting those out of work, and
  • how we can reverse the trend of more working poverty.

The following are some of the high-level representatives invited to a panel discussion on 10 November with people experiencing poverty to hear directly from their experiences:

  • Commissioner Marianne Thyssen, Employment, Social Affairs, Skills & Labour Mobility
  • Michel Servoz, Director General of DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
  • Rait Kuuse, Deputy Secretary General, Ministry of Social Affairs, Estonia
  • President Tajani, President of the European Parliament

Practical info:

9:00 – 14:30 (10 Nov), MCE, Rue de l’Aqueduc 118, 1050 Brussels
Places are limited so please contact us if keen to participate!

Please click here to access the work done by EAPN on the theme of employment – including some specifically on in-work poverty. A paper Working & Poor (2013) was launched at the Annual Convention of the European Platform Against Poverty and Social Exclusion of that year.
For further information, contact Monica Prisačariu (PeP Support Officer)


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